Oct 10, 2022, 08:18 PM

Male staff embrace menopause awareness, enabling them to better support colleagues

As part of their commitment to providing safe and inclusive environments for all its people, Renaissance Care announced plans to ensure menopause-friendly environments earlier this year. Part of this included introducing menopause awareness training and inviting staff to learn about menopause, menopausal symptoms, and the available support options. Educating staff of various roles, genders, and ages was crucial to Renaissance as we looked at how to further our understanding and support one another to provide a safe, inclusive, and supportive working environment.


Scott Birnie, Renaissance Care’s Financial Controller, shared his experience of undertaking the training and why, as a man, he found it a beneficial and positive step forward to learn more about menopause: 


“Before attending the menopause training provided by Renaissance, my knowledge in this area was minimal. I knew it was something that affected women in later life, but I didn’t know about the symptoms, duration, or the impact it could have as a result. As it’s an inevitable part of life for around half the population, I think it’s a subject we should all be educated on.


“The training gave me the insight I was looking for, specifically when an individual may develop symptoms, how these symptoms might manifest themselves (there are many), and how it might subsequently make them feel. Menopausal symptoms can be debilitating and significantly affect day-to-day life, with most people experiencing menopause suffering to some degree. Understanding this has made me better equipped to offer empathy and support to those affected.   


“As a male manager, I realise that my team may not feel comfortable discussing menopause and what they are experiencing. However, they should be supported, particularly as symptoms can become so bad that many individuals consider giving up work. I was one of several Renaissance colleagues who attended the training, so I know that other pathways to support and advice are available within Renaissance if needed. For my part, I’m now more aware of how changes to working conditions such as temperature, ventilation or even the thickness of staff uniforms can affect how each individual may experience symptoms.           


“Menopause can also have a dramatic impact on relationships and marriages. The symptoms can last for some time and often go undiagnosed so the impact on relationships can be gradual and affect even the most solid of relationships. So in my opinion - greater awareness, better understanding and better support from men could help couples through a challenging time. I sat down with my wife after completing the course and talked about what I’d learned only to discover I now know more about menopause than she does! Although menopause can be a challenging time for couples, I now realise with the right preparation and knowledge it doesn’t have to be.


“Before the training, I felt apprehensive about taking the course. The training was a great opportunity to educate myself on a subject I knew little about, but it seemed like a taboo subject and one that doesn’t get much coverage so I was unsure of what to expect. However, both the trainer and attendees on the course made me feel welcome and encouraged my participation. In future I would hope the subject will move out of the shadows and more training & resources will be freely available.”



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